Native Wear


Delivery Information

Delivery T&C’s

Standard courier delivery cost of ZAR90 applied.

You must provide us with complete and accurate delivery address information. To avoid any confusion or doubt, this includes the address that your order is going to and also the name of the recipient.

Native Wear is not liable for the delivery of your order to the wrong address or the wrong person as a result of you supplying us with incomplete and/or inaccurate information.

We will make every effort to deliver your order within estimated timescales of 24-48 hours. However, delays are rare and on occasion inevitable due to unforeseen factors or events outside our control, for example, material shortages, travel or transportation disruption, import delays, software or technical failures, or higher than anticipated demand.

Please also note delivery of your order may take longer during sale times and or other busy periods. We are unable to deliver on public and bank holidays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, or New Year’s Day. On these dates, delivery will take longer than usual. Please allow an extra working day (i.e. Monday-Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays) for each of these days when calculating the estimated delivery date and when choosing your delivery option.